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At Calcutta Horticultural Farm, we understand the importance of privacy. We value your contact preferences and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines our data collection practices, how information is used, and who we may share it with. It applies to all services and products offered on our website,

Before using our website, tools, or services, and before engaging in any transactions with us, please read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use carefully. By using our services, you agree to the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy and are bound by the Terms of Use.

Data Collection

We do not store sensitive information such as credit card details on our servers. To ensure secure payment procedures, Calcutta Horticultural Farm uses the services of a trusted payment gateway that handles the collection, storage, and encryption of credit card information. The information we collect is used for the provision of products and services, billing, identification and authentication, improving our services, and contact and research purposes.

Your email address and personally identifying information will not be shared with third parties, except for our service providers who assist in payment processing. These providers only have access to personal information necessary to perform their functions and are prohibited from using it for any other purposes.

Cookies & Tracking Information

When you visit our website, a small amount of data called a cookie is created on your computer. These cookies, which include an anonymous unique identifier, help with website access and enhance the user experience. They are necessary for becoming a member of our service.

We use cookies to record session information, store encrypted login details, provide services, and compile analytics about our users. Additionally, we may collect browser type, default language, visit date and time, and similar information for tracking user movements and understanding trends.

Protecting Data

We prioritize the protection of personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. We do not sell your personal information to anyone for any purpose. Your information is retained in our business records as long as you are a customer or until it is no longer necessary for business, tax, or legal purposes. Encryption and other security controls are implemented to safeguard personal information stored by Calcutta Horticultural Farm. Passwords in our web service are hashed using the SHA-1 cryptographic hash function. Both Calcutta Horticultural Farm and our third-party hosting vendors take measures to protect personal information.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

Any personal information or content voluntarily disclosed online becomes publicly available and can be collected and used by others. When you interact with our Blog/Forums, your account name (not email address) is displayed to other users. Account creation and order placement authorize the use of your email address for non-marketing or administrative purposes, such as notifying you of website changes, updates to Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, messages from other members, or customer service purposes. Contact information may also be used to send offers based on your previous orders and interests.

We utilize both personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information to improve the website's quality and design, develop new features and services, and track user preferences and trends. When you post comments or messages, your Calcutta Horticultural Farm ID or username is visible to other users. Posting personal information publicly may result in unsolicited messages. We do not rent or sell personal information.

There may be instances where we need to share personally identifiable information, such as complying with legal process, defending against legal claims, investigating potential threats to personal safety or illegal activities, or as required or permitted by law. Demographic information may be shared with business partners, but no personally identifiable information will be used without consent.

Under certain circumstances, we may disclose personally identifiable information and/or non-personally identifiable information as required by law, in response to a court order, subpoena, or search warrant.

Calcutta Horticultural Farm reserves the right to use the names, logos, and comments of its customers for marketing purposes. If you wish to withdraw this authorization, you may send a written notice.

We also reserve the right to disclose personally identifiable information and/or non-personally identifiable information to enforce our Member Agreement, protect against liability, investigate claims or allegations, assist government agencies, maintain website security and integrity, and protect the rights, property, or safety of Calcutta Horticultural Farm, our users, or others.

Changes to Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically. Please check this page for any changes. Your continued use of Calcutta Horticultural Farm websites indicates your agreement to this Privacy Notice and any future revisions.